Thursday, June 26, 2008

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Well I was finally able to get my brother an interview at the big company I happen to work at. Actually it wasn't all that difficult considering I know he has the skills and the aptitude for the position.

In fact it was rather quick. I had already helped him out with his resume to add some polish and organize it a bit. I had a couple of friends that I forwarded his resume to that happen to work for headhunting services helping to supply jobs for people in this industry. It had been a week and I was growing impatient. Yesterday I sent his resume to another rep and within 5 minutes he got a phone call and an interview scheduled for the next day.

Well so far so good. He showed up early to the interview and from what I gathered from him, it seems he did a pretty damn good job. I really really want this for him too. Granted he's going to have to start from the ground up just a tad, we all did. But the truth is time is getting shorter for him, he's at a point where he should be thinking about a career and his a lot of us know...know one is going to do it for us. Well at least, not all of us are fortunate enough to have that novelty.

We met up for a smoke outside and chatted, showed him my office and such and he seems really excited. In fact I am really excited for him. I really believe in him and I know that if he does this and excels he can do a lot of good for himself and be a happier person for it.

He's a smart guy and he goes for what he wants. I admire his unnerved, and even somewhat cocky approach to life. I once used to have this myself to some degree. I think being shot from the heavens so many times helps develop a healthy fear of flying...and well yeah this is something I need to personally work on.

I want to see him revel in his success in whatever capacity that may be. But I want to see him be proud of himself, see his self worth grow and mature. I think honestly this will be something that will bring us closer together which I believe is long over due.

I try to stay close to my brothers, but I have my own reasons that I have initiated my own personal transgressions with portions of my family. It's a long history and one I will hint at, but does not belong in this post.

He has a great deal of potential I just wish he saw this also. I know it's difficult and people say the same thing about me, and well it's hard for me to see it also. I think that just comes down to us being our own worst critics and it's hard to really see beyond that. I just try to focus on my accomplishments for which most I had acquired on my own the hard way. And with that I wave in complete admiration and appreciation to the giants in the distance on which shoulders I stood to reach my own success.

Now it's my turn to be a giant, and let my brother ride high on my shoulders so he can get a clear view of his own future in the distance.

You've made me proud man, you really have.

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